
How to Clean a Coffee Maker With Lemon Juice?

How to Clean a Coffee Maker With Lemon Juice?

If you don't have vinegar at home and are wondering how to clean a coffee maker without vinegar, then you can try using citric acid instead. After ensuring the coffee basket is empty, run some cold water through the coffee maker. Throw away this water. Next, take equal amounts of concentrated lemon juice and water and pour this mixture into the rinsed coffee pot. Allow this solution to sit in the apparatus for 15 minutes before turning on the coffee maker. Turn on and allow the lemon solution to work through the apparatus. Then turn it off and allow the lemon solution inside to cool for 15 minutes before turning it on again. Discard this citric acid solution after second rinse and rinse the apparatus twice with cold water. Soak the coffee pot and filter basket in the sink filled with dish washing liquid solution and wash well.